June 12, 2010

Caption THIS!

During a recent trip to the zoo, amongst all of the cuddly little foxes and adorable baby turtles, I came across THIS:

Naturally, a whole slew of captions and jokes came to mind (as I slowly backed away from the cage). However, I think I'm going to open the floor and welcome some suggestions - a contest**, if you will. Leave a comment with caption suggestions, I'll pick the best to use in my future Ode to the Zoo.

**By contest I mean, a fun one that has no prize involved whatsoever. I'm poor and not nearly popular enough to have any sort of sponsorship. Unless, of course, you want a 5x7 glossy of the photo in question, which I would be glad to send along to the winner at no charge.


  1. Yeah, so I fell from the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down....what's your point?

  2. I'll eat you alive

  3. know a good dentist.

  4. hahahahahaha!!!! oh man! I'm no good with captions, but that is one FUNNY photo! :D nice pic!

  5. Now how to I find a mate.

  6. A face only a mother could love.

  7. "Who you callin' squirrel?"

    What the heck is THAT thing?? He looks mean!


  8. "Vampire ground hog wants to suck your blood."

    "Breaking News: Twilight reveals new cast member!"


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